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Kuwa v0.3.3

· 2 min read
Yung-Hsiang Hu

Feature Updates

  1. Added Pipe executor, which can execute programs (tools) within a specified directory, such as directly executing Python programs output by models via Python interpreter
  2. Provided Calculator, Iconv and Python example tools that can be called via Pipe executor
  3. Added Uploader executor to allow users to upload files to a specified directory, including tools, RAG knowledge bases, or website components
  4. Supported Bot export and import, allowing export of Bot name, description, icon, and Modelfile as a single Bot file, similar to an application configuration file; installation can automatically import default Bot files
  5. Allows users to choose the sorting method for Bots in chat rooms
  6. Supported Bot icon replacement
  7. Added Kuwa API server compatible with OpenAI API
  8. Provided default examples for connecting to cloud multimodal APIs: gpt-4o-mini-vision, DALL-E, Gemini pro 1.5 vision
  9. Supported setting the upper limit of uploaded files via Web interface
  10. Supported installation and execution in environments with Web proxy within enterprises
  11. Supported acceleration of model inference using Intel GPU
  12. Added automatic installation and update scripts for Docker version, thanks to @wcwutw
  13. RAG Toolchain default Embedding model replaced with Microsoft's intfloat/multilingual-e5-small model, licensed under MIT
  14. RAG (DocQA, WebQA, SearchQA, DB QA) added display_hide_ref_content, retriever_ttl_sec parameters
  15. Increased support for downloaded tools' default models, including Meta Llama 3.1 8B with Function calling and lightweight Google Gemma 2 2B

Bug Fixes

  1. #21: Docker version does not generate https:// links after a reverse proxy, thanks to @Phate334
  2. #23: Two-minute timeout issue, thanks to @x85432
  3. #24: Modelfile parsing issue
  4. #25: Importing Prompts does not apply Modelfile
  5. windows\src\tee.bat is misjudged as a virus
  6. RAG reference data does not display original file names
  7. Updated Windows version dependency download link
  1. Windows version may encounter 502 Bad Gateway error when upgrading from old version, please remove C:\kuwa\GenAI OS\windows\packages\nginx-1.24.0\conf\nginx.conf and re-run build.bat once
  2. Pipe executor can execute any program and currently lacks Chroot, please understand related risks before providing external services

We welcome your feedback after experiencing it. If you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to contact us through community or other channels.

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